Portrait Jorge Galindo Portrait Jorge Galindo - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: pulpogallery

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Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 06.05.2023 - 07.06.2023

Approaching each work instinctively, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson moves between colour, form and marks as if navigating a physical environment.

Focusing on bodily perception of place alongside the nature of painting itself, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson’s work looks at the differences in how we navigate, both physically and imaginatively, three distinct realms: the visceral experience…

Approaching each work instinctively, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson moves between colour, form and marks as if navigating a physical environment.

Focusing on bodily perception of place alongside the nature of painting itself, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson’s work looks at the differences in how we navigate, both physically and imaginatively, three distinct realms: the visceral experience of an environment, the pictorial space of a painting and the space of written language. Her current paintings dwell on encounters between body and place: the colour change when your eyes are disorientated by bright light; the sensation of moving your limbs through cold water; a rapid heartbeat. Approaching each work instinctively, she moves between colour, form and marks as if navigating a physical environment.

Tags: Malerei, Rhiannon Inman-Simpson


Murnau, Ausstellung, 26.11.2021 - 31.01.2022
Gisela Ehrenfried-Staehle; Copyright Tom Warren.
Murnau, Ausstellung, 24.09.2021 - 31.10.2021
Credits Birgit Schwarzenberger - Pulpo Gallery, Nico Zeifang with Gregory de la Haba (left), Judy Rifka via Zoom-Livecall
Murnau, Ausstellung, 21.06.2021 - 19.09.2021
Abb. oben: Georg Thumbach, Wirbel, 2018/19, drehwüchsige Kiefer, 392,7 cm x ø 15-18 cm, (c) Georg Thumbach
Murnau, Ausstellung, 19.04.2021 - 16.05.2021
JORGE GALINDO, SOUVENIR (MURNAU I), 2021, Oil on printed canvas, 76 3/4 x 118 1/8 in, 195 x 300 cm
Abb: Franziska Wolff, GENIUS (Emanuel von Seidl), 2019, als Digitalprint im Hof vom Schloß Murnau installiert und rund um die Uhr zu besichtigen. Das gewebte Original ist ab 5.6.2019 im Rathausfoyer Murnau ausgestellt. Öffnungszeiten dort: MO - FR 8 - 12, DI 14 – 16, DO 14 – 18 UHR. Copyright: Franziska Wolff.
Stadtbefestigung, Meliorsturm, in Büdingen © Marie-Luise Preiss/Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz