Pat Steir, Marina Adams / Milwaukee Art Museum, USA Pat Steir, Marina Adams / Milwaukee Art Museum, USA - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriethomasschulte

Wer: galeriethomasschulte

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 17.11.2023 - 23.06.2024

The landmark survey 50 Paintings features works created within the last five years by 50 international artists, highlighting the artistic trends in practice today. The exhibition celebrates the medium’s continued relevance and aesthetic range, and invites visitors to engage in close looking and formulate their own assessments of trends in contemporary painting.
The landmark survey 50 Paintings features works created within the last five years by 50 international artists, highlighting the artistic trends in practice today. The exhibition celebrates the medium’s continued relevance and aesthetic range, and invites visitors to engage in close looking and formulate their own assessments of trends in contemporary painting.
Tags: Installation, Konzeptkunst, Malerei, Marina Adams, Pat Steir


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