Aïcha Khorchid. La Fête du Travail chez ma Grand-Mère, 2021, organic pigments, latex, rabbit glue, oil chalk and pencils on wood panel, 200 x 200 cm. Aïcha Khorchid. La Fête du Travail chez ma Grand-Mère, 2021, organic pigments, latex, rabbit glue, oil chalk and pencils on wood panel, 200 x 200 cm. - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: gnypgallery.com

Wer: gnypgallery.com

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 06.04.2024 - 11.05.2024

GNYP Gallery has the great pleasure in inviting you to the opening of Le Monde d'Aïcha, the first gallery exhibition of the Pakistan-born, Mallorca-based French artist Aïcha Khorchid, on view from April 6 to May 11, 2024.

The opening will take place on Saturday, April 6, between 5-8 PM at Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 112, 2018 Antwerp. The artist will give a short tour of the…

GNYP Gallery has the great pleasure in inviting you to the opening of Le Monde d'Aïcha, the first gallery exhibition of the Pakistan-born, Mallorca-based French artist Aïcha Khorchid, on view from April 6 to May 11, 2024.

The opening will take place on Saturday, April 6, between 5-8 PM at Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 112, 2018 Antwerp. The artist will give a short tour of the exhibition starting at 6.30 PM.

Tags: Bildhauer, Bildhauerkunst, Skulpturen

OPENING: SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2024, 5-8 PMWalkthrough: saturday, APRIL 6, 2024, 6.30 pmEXHIBITION: APRIL 6 – MAY 11, 2024

Antwerpen, Ausstellung, 17.05.2024 - 22.06.2024
Lizzy Lunday. Slipping, 2024, oil and acrylic on linen, 70 x 60 in.
Antwerpen, Ausstellung, 24.02.2024 - 23.03.2024
Flurin Bisig
Antwerpen, Ausstellung, 24.02.2024 - 23.03.2024
Elsa Rouy
Antwerpen, Messe, 14.12.2023 - 17.12.2023
ART ANTWERP 2022 (c) Fotograaf Almicheal Fraay
Antwerpen, Ausstellung, 14.12.2023 - 17.12.2023
JOHANNA FREISE, O.T. (Export/BLU), 2021, oil on Molino, 75 x 90 cm
Antwerpen, Ausstellung, 01.06.2018 - 02.09.2018
Bachusstoet, Michaelina Wautier - Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Gemäldegalerie