Wer: iberart

Was: Messe

Wann: 15.10.2015 - 18.10.2015

While Liana Nakashidze challenges the ephemeral nature of memory and compose large areas of grey and green landscapes and an interesting quality of recollection; on Mirian Gomelis canvases a powerful morbidity is assertive.. The past build the backdrop: but the slightly surreal additions modify, well undermine, their overbearing significance into today.

The portraits:…

While Liana Nakashidze challenges the ephemeral nature of memory and compose large areas of grey and green landscapes and an interesting quality of recollection; on Mirian Gomelis canvases a powerful morbidity is assertive.. The past build the backdrop: but the slightly surreal additions modify, well undermine, their overbearing significance into today.

The portraits: high-class painted, open and mildly faces, 'Renessaince’esque, contain prideful thoughts.We also want to introduce you to the graphical, colourful representations of Sandro Dalakishvili. He as well as Nina Pery show very thematic works: city sceneries like authors of a stage play. Materials and colours merging fresh emotions and ideas, mixing up nostalgia whilest conveying the necessity of aspiration. Their recent works seems to accelerate the technique into realm of cinema - the figures are projected, but what does the painter broods behind the canvas?

Focussing on international contemporary art positions the White Gallery Berlin is the new program of the former IberArt Gallery. Located in one of the most exposed positions of Berlin's art scene, with the new curator Mila Jana Noritsch (Collectors Club Berlin) we monthly want different artists to become visible. (Spring 2015)


(c)Liana Nakashidze. Surfer.  2012. 170 x 200 cm. Oil/Canvas. 8000,-€ (c)Liana Nakashidze. Surfer. 2012. 170 x 200 cm. Oil/Canvas. 8000,-€ - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: iberart
Tags: Collectors Club Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, Georgianisch, Kunst, Liana Nakashidze, Mirian Gomeli, Nina Pery, Sammlung, Sandro Dalakishvili, Skulpturen, Zeitgenössische Kunst

16., 17., 18. Oktober 2015 / Geöffnet täglich 11 bis 20 UhrVernissage: 15. Oktober, 18-22 Uhr (Musik: SOULSAX)
VERANSTALTUNGSORT:Kongresshaus am SeeClaridenstrasse 5, CH-8002 Zürich