Art Madrid 2016 Impressionen Art Madrid 2016 Impressionen - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: artmadrid

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Wann: 22.02.2017 - 26.02.2017

TERRITORY AND IDENTITY, ‘ONE PROJECT’ PROGRAM IN ART MADRID CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR 2017• Carlos Delgado Mayordomo cures this selection of solo-show projects.• ONE PROJECT AM17 is composed by 8 Spanish and Latin American artists.• Photography, video art, mixed media and technology coexist in this curatorate.Madrid, Thursday, January 19, 2017. The ONE PROJECT Program, composed…
TERRITORY AND IDENTITY, ‘ONE PROJECT’ PROGRAM IN ART MADRID CONTEMPORARY ART FAIR 2017• Carlos Delgado Mayordomo cures this selection of solo-show projects.• ONE PROJECT AM17 is composed by 8 Spanish and Latin American artists.• Photography, video art, mixed media and technology coexist in this curatorate.Madrid, Thursday, January 19, 2017. The ONE PROJECT Program, composed by eight projects in solo-show format and curated by Carlos Delgado Mayordomo, presents a selection of 8 Spanish and Latin American artists reflecting on the concepts of territory, displacement and identity.Unpublished projects, site-specific pieces, dialogue between artists, narrativity and discourse, are the elements that define the ONE PROJECT Program of Art Madrid Contemporary Art Fair.On this occasion, Carlos Delgado Mayordomo has chosen 8 artists whose current work deals with the concept of TERRITORY. They are:• Rubén Martín de Lucas (Madrid, 1977). BAT alberto cornejo Gallery (Madrid)• Mariajosé Gallardo (Villaf. de los Barros, Badajoz, 1978). Espacio Olvera (Seville) • Irene Cruz (Madrid, 1987). Fifty Dots Gallery (Barcelona)• Renato Costa (Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 1974). Javier Silva Gallery (Valladolid)• Acaymo S. Cuesta (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1983). La Isla Gallery (Madrid)• Keke Vilabelda (Valencia, 1986). Kir Royal Gallery (Madrid)• Eloy Arribas (Valladolid, 1991). Silves Contemporary Art (Huércal-Overa, Almería) • Ernesto Rancaño (Havana, Cuba, 1968), South Border Gallery (Beirut, Lebanon)The set that forms ONE PROJECT AM17 “reflects on the connection between creation, place, displacement, identity and memory. The selected artists place their accent on the metropolis, architecture and the body as scenarios in a permanent state of latent change” as explains Carlos Delgado Mayordomo.“From very heterogeneous ideological and discursive canons, the 8 artists pose works that are not linked to a scenario of strong territorial significance, but linked to a global world increasingly marked by their diasporas and readaptations” adds the curator.

About the artists:RUBÉN MARTÍN DE LUCAS (Madrid, 1977). Engineer studies by the Polytechnic University of Madrid but declines to exercise the engineering to dedicate itself completely to art. Member of the multidisciplinary group Boa Mistura, group of artists with roots in graffiti that has intervened among others in the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, Casa Encendida, International Festival of Arts of Castilla Leon.MARIAJOSÉ GALLARDO (Villaf. de los Barros, Badajoz, 1978). Graduate in Fine Arts in the specialty of Design and Engraving, by the University of Seville. We can highlight awards such as the Focus Abengoa, the presence of her work in numerous foundations or her individual exhibition in the CAAC (Andalusian Center for Contemporary Art).IRENE CRUZ (Madrid, 1987). Degree in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Advertising and Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication. She obtained the International Master EFTI, specializing in Conceptual photography and artistic creation. She currently lives and works in Berlin, and she has made more than 250 photography exhibitions, video art and video installations around the world, highlighting such places as the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, the BB.AA Circle in Madrid and the New York Art Project Art Space.RENATO COSTA (Río de Janeiro, Brasil, 1974). He began his profession in his father ́attelier. After graduated with a degree in Fine Arts in University Complutense of Madrid, he moved to that city until the present time. His work is defined by expressing intensely the emotions through its technical and thematic characteristics. The key issues are the relationship between the past and the present, not only the personal but also the collective. Figuration, subjectivity and open emotions, converging in his work into a more conceptual art.ACAYMO S. CUESTA (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1983). Graduate in Fine Arts, studied the Master of Artistic Production. He has exhibited individually in the Gallery No Place of Quito, Ecuador, the Gallery of Art U.L.P.G.C of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria and in Foundation Mapfre of Tenerife. He has participated in collective exhibitions in T.E.A. (Tenerife Spaces of the Arts), in Camino Largo 31, La Laguna, Tenerife, Estudio Andrés Delgado, Madrid, in San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina and at the School of Design of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, among others.KEKE VILABELDA (Valencia, 1986). Graduated in Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of San Carlos, Valencia. He has exhibited individually in galleries such as the Kir Royal Gallery in Valencia, the Rodríguez Gallery in Poland, Plecto Gallery and Contemporary Lokus in Medellín, or the Coldharbour London Gallery in London. He has also participated in collective exhibitions such as, “Injuve with the young creation” in the Sala Amadis, Madrid. “Languages in Paper” at the Fernando Pradilla Gallery or the Beautiful New World, International Contemporary Art Exhibition, Nanjin.ELOY ARRIBAS (Valladolid, 1991). Graduated in Fine Arts by the University of Salamanca, Honorary Degree in the specialty of Painting, he finished his training with a Master’s Degree in Teacher Training. He has exhibited individually in Salamanca in the Space 3K Art and DA2, in Almería in the Gallery Mojácar Factory and in Valladolid in the Gallery Javier Silva. He is currently planning two other exhibitions, one in Madrid. She has participated in a large number of collective exhibitions such as “Flashes” at the Cultural Center of La Carolina, Jaén, and in “Open Studio” with Mabel Esteban and Brin Magenta at Escorpión Producciones, Salamanca.ERNESTO RANCAÑO (Havana, Cuba, 1968). He studied at the National School of Plastic Arts from 1987 to 1991, where he graduated in the specialty of Painting and Drawing. He obtained the First Prize in the Contest of Posters sponsored and summoned by the CETSS, Havana, Cuba. His works are in permanent collections in Panama, Mexico, Jamaica and Spain. Also, he has participated in numerous collective exhibitions. Since 1995 he has been a member of the National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC). Some of his individual exhibitions are “Karma” at the Cuba Pavilion in Havana or “Half of my life” in 2012. 

Couch, 1963 Couch, 1963 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: artmadrid
Tags: Druckgrafik, Junge Kunst, Madrid, Malerei, Pop Art, Skulpturen, Video Kunst, Zeitgenössische Kunst

Tickets: €10 Regular €7 Reduced Over 60 years, unemployed and students), Groups (minimum 20).Children free under 12 years old
Location: Galería de Cristal de CentroCentro Cibeles. 1 Montalbán St., near Plaza de Cibeles 1, | Downtown Madrid |