DAVIDE BRAMANTE, Fabbrica Eos DAVIDE BRAMANTE, Fabbrica Eos - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: wopart

Wer: wopart

Was: Messe

Wann: 02.09.2016 - 05.09.2016

An exclusive masterpieces art fair with an high level cultured public.

"WOP ART" highlights Is that we will inaugurate the first art fair dedicated to masterpieces Works on Paper (Hence the acronym Wop).

This refined event will gather, in the Lugano Exhibition Centre Pavillons, a selection of international galleries exhibiting works on paper and specific projects…

An exclusive masterpieces art fair with an high level cultured public.

"WOP ART" highlights Is that we will inaugurate the first art fair dedicated to masterpieces Works on Paper (Hence the acronym Wop).

This refined event will gather, in the Lugano Exhibition Centre Pavillons, a selection of international galleries exhibiting works on paper and specific projects from all periods of the art history, from old masters to modern prints, from artist's books to author's photographs, from watercolors to Japanese paper.

A Vetting Scientific Committee (coordinated by Domenico Di Marzio and Paul Manazza) will select the exhibitors and the works on display, they will coordinate events, intellectual and international meetings and important works on paper exhibitions.

This is a part of a starting cultural circuit around "WOP ART".

For the first time ever, since the first edition, the Lugano Municipality has granted its patronage: this could happen thanks to the quality of the project and to the internationality and Importance of the event.

In the last decade the attention on the art market, allowed the birth and the growth of a large number works on paper enthusiastic collectors. Important old masters, modern and contemporary works on paper will combine an high level quality together with affordable costs. An historical Picasso oil on canvas could cost between 30 and 100 million dollars.

His drawings would cost from 300,000 to 1 million and a half dollars.

It's clear That the future development of this part of the market, will allow the growth of the art and the culture along with an intelligent diversification investement portfolios assets.

"WOP ART" is organized by Studio Lobo, That the firm for over thirty years organized fairs and events around the world.

In Italy they organized the historical "Modenantiquaria" sold three years ago to the Bologna Fair Group.

ORTUNATO DEPERO, Silvano Lodi Int Art Gallery ORTUNATO DEPERO, Silvano Lodi Int Art Gallery - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: wopart LUCA PIGNATELLI, M77 Gallery LUCA PIGNATELLI, M77 Gallery - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: wopart GIANDOMENICO TIEPOLO, Creatini Landriani. GIANDOMENICO TIEPOLO, Creatini Landriani. - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: wopart
Tags: Malerei, Papier
