VOLTA at Elsässerstrasse 215 VOLTA at Elsässerstrasse 215 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: voltashow

Wer: voltashow

Was: Messe

Wann: 10.06.2019 - 15.06.2019

VOLTA BASEL MONDAY, JUNE 10 – SATURDAY, JUNE 15 ELSÄSSERSTRASSE 215, BASEL BASEL, APRIL 12, 2019: VOLTA, Basel’s art fair for new international positions, celebrates its 15th year at the city on the Rhine, from June 10 through 15, concurrent with Art Basel Week. VOLTA returns to Elsässerstrasse 215, the former COOP distribution center and the center-point of Basel’s…
VOLTA BASEL MONDAY, JUNE 10 – SATURDAY, JUNE 15 ELSÄSSERSTRASSE 215, BASEL BASEL, APRIL 12, 2019: VOLTA, Basel’s art fair for new international positions, celebrates its 15th year at the city on the Rhine, from June 10 through 15, concurrent with Art Basel Week. VOLTA returns to Elsässerstrasse 215, the former COOP distribution center and the center-point of Basel’s burgeoning cultural hub, Lysbüchel, and assembles 79 galleries across four continents and 25 nations to showcase compelling artist projects.

“It feels slightly surreal, and yet undeniably exciting, to light a candle on our 15th year in Basel,” notes Amanda Coulson, VOLTA Artistic Director. “The art world landscape, and indeed the broader political and cultural landscapes, have shifted so much since our founding in 2005. And yet, our core foundation of advocating for ‘mother galleries’ — for the emerging and the ambitious who may break into the blue chip fairs one day or who are being overlooked despite their progress ‘at home’ — remains as true and as serious as ever. The quality and consistency of our exhibitors and their compelling projects reflects this mandate. VOLTA visitors are in for a real treat this year.”

Over half of the participating galleries have elected to showcase solo or dual-artist projects, a popular mode of presentation at VOLTA fairs, with fully 21 solo projects this year. The full list of galleries exhibiting at VOLTA Basel 2019, ordered by each gallery’s primary home nation, follows this announcement. VOLTA connects with Art Basel via the Dreirosen-Bridge: 4 minutes by automobile, 9 minutes by bicycle, and 15 minutes by direct tram (Line 1 to Voltaplatz). The hall is likewise connected by direct tram (Line 11 to St. Louis- Grenze) from Basel’s main train station, SBB, as well as from the Schaulager.

VOLTA was co-founded in 2005 by three dealers, Kavi Gupta (Chicago), Friedrich Loock (Berlin), and Ulrich Voges (Frankfurt am Main), and art critic Amanda Coulson.

EXHIBITOR LIST 2019: AUSTRIA Bechter Kastowsky Galerie (Vienna) Hilger BrotKunsthalle (Vienna) CZECH REPUBLIC The Chemistry Gallery (Prague) COLOMBIA Beta Galería (Bogotá) DENMARK Martin Asbæk Gallery (Copenhagen) Charlotte Fogh Gallery (Aarhus) KANT (Copenhagen) FINLAND Galerie Anhava (Helsinki) Galleria Heino (Helsinki) Helsinki Contemporary (Helsinki) FRANCE Gallery ALB (Paris) Espace A Vendre (Nice) Galerie La Forest Divonne (Paris/Brussels) Galerie Mark Hachem (Paris/Beirut/New York) GERMANY Luisa Catucci Gallery (Berlin) Galerie Thomas Fuchs (Stuttgart) Galerie Anja Knoess (Cologne) Christian Marx Galerie (Düsseldorf) Galerie Heike Strelow (Frankfurt am Main) Galerie Von&Von (Nuremberg) X-Pinky LAB (Berlin) HUNGARY Lena & Roselli Gallery (Budapest) IRELAND Gibbons & Nicholas (Dublin) Green On Red Gallery (Dublin) ITALY Alessandro Casciaro (Bolzano) The Flat – Massimo Carasi (Milan) Galleria Doris Ghetta (Ortisei) Anna Marra Contemporanea (Rome) Montoro12 Gallery (Rome/Brussels) Yvonneartecontemporanea (Vicenza) JAPAN Cohju Contemporary Art (Kyoto) Island Japan (Tokyo) Gallery Kogure (Tokyo) Gallery Shukado (Tokyo) Tezukayama Gallery (Osaka) YOD Gallery (Osaka) LATVIA Bastejs (Riga) LEBANON Artual Gallery (Beirut) THE NETHERLANDS Rutger Brandt Gallery (Amsterdam) Roger Katwijk (Amsterdam) Kersgallery (Amsterdam) Kyas Art Salon (Amsterdam) Livingstone (The Hague/Berlin) NL=US Art (Rotterdam) Ten Haaf Projects (Amsterdam) ROMANIA Anca Poterasu Gallery (Bucharest) Sector 1 Gallery (Bucharest) RUSSIA KultProekt Gallery (Moscow) SLOVAKIA Zahorian & Van Espen (Bratislava/Prague) SOUTH KOREA Gallery H.A.N. (Seoul) Lee & Bae (Busan) SPAIN Galeria Contrast (Barcelona) Victor Lope Arte Contemporanea (Barcelona) Set Espai d’Art (Valencia) SWITZERLAND Le Salon Vert (Carouges) Galerie Wenger (Zurich) Verbier 3-D Foundation (Verbier/New York) UKRAINE Mironova Gallery (Kiev) UNITED KINGDOM Charlie Smith London (London) Fiumano Clase (London) Patrick Heide Contemporary Art (London) Paul Stolper Gallery (London) UNITED STATES 1969 Gallery (New York) Burning In Water (New York) C24 Gallery (New York) Ethan Cohen Gallery (New York) frosch&portmann (New York) Green Point Projects (Brooklyn) JanKossen Contemporary (New York) Joshua Liner Gallery (New York) Maus Contemporary (Birmingham) Pablo’s Birthday (New York) Pentimenti Gallery (Philadelphia) RoFa Projects (Potomac) SFA Projects (New York) Slag Gallery (Brooklyn) Space776 (Brooklyn) VENEZUELA Cerquone Projects (Caracas) VIETNAM Vin Gallery (Ho Chi Minh City)

Maus Contemporary (Birmingham, USA) Mafalda FigueiredoSuddenly I can’t breathe2018, Oil on canvas, 150 x 180 cm.Presented by Maus Contemporary (Birmingham, USA) Maus Contemporary (Birmingham, USA) Mafalda FigueiredoSuddenly I can’t breathe2018, Oil on canvas, 150 x 180 cm.Presented by Maus Contemporary (Birmingham, USA) - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: voltashow
Tags: Moderne Kunst, New York, Zeitgenössische Kunst


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