David Bowie's Tintoretto (c) Andrea Avezzù Photography David Bowie's Tintoretto (c) Andrea Avezzù Photography - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: fmcvenezia

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Wann: 29.08.2019

Tintoretto's work "Angel Foretelling the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria" which belonged to David Bowie and from 2016 in a private collection, returns for the first time to Venice after more than 200 years, where it will be exhibited a few meters from the location for which it was created - the Church of San Geminiano in St. Mark’s Square in Venice, destroyed by…
Tintoretto's work "Angel Foretelling the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria" which belonged to David Bowie and from 2016 in a private collection, returns for the first time to Venice after more than 200 years, where it will be exhibited a few meters from the location for which it was created - the Church of San Geminiano in St. Mark’s Square in Venice, destroyed by Napoleon to build the Napoleonic wing of the Correr.
Tags: David Bowie

From April 1st to October 31st From Sundays to Thursdays 8.30 am – 9 pm (last admission 8.30 pm) Fridays and Saturdays 8.30 am – 11 pm (last admission 10.30 pm) From November 1st to March 31st 8.30 am – 7.00 pm (last admission 6.30 pm)

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Axel-Springer-Neubau, Bild: courtesy of OMA