Marthe Donas, Sous la lampe / Under the Lamp, 1927  Oil on cardboard, 55 x 55 cm, Private collection
Zanele Muholi, Thembeka I, New York, Upstate, 2015, Tate. Purchased with funds provided by the Africa Acquisitions Committee 2017 Foto und © Zanele Muholi, Courtesy of the artist and Yancey Richardson, New York
Mary Cassatt, Junge Frau lesend (Young Lady Reading), 1878  Öl auf Holz 40,3 x 63,2 cm Sammlung von Diane B. Wilsey Foto: © 2021. Christie’s Images, London/Scala, Florence
Abbildung: Aussenansicht der Fondation Beyeler, Foto: Mark Niedermann
BERTHE MORISOT, JUNGE FRAU AUF DEM SOFA (JEUNE FEMME AU DIVAN), 1885 Öl auf Leinwand 61 x 50.2 cm Tate, London; Bequeathed by the Hon. Mrs A.E. Pleydell-Bouverie through the Friends of the Tate Gallery 1968, Photo ©Tate