Led by Albert Bierstadt’s Romantic Oregon Landscape for $2.2 Million
Ausstellungsansicht Cy Twombly Foto: Julian Salinas Photocredit: Julian Salinas
Ingo Günther  »Allgegenwärtigkeit rechnergestützer Realität / Horizon of Ubiquitous Computing [Worldprocessor 347-2]«, 2013  Mixed media, 30 cm Durchmess
Ken Aptekar: I´m jewish 2  Copyright: Ken Aptekar
Michael E. Smith »Dave«, 2013  Helmschalen, Taube 32 × 35 × 33 cm
Foto: Portait Agnes Martin 1992 © Charles Rushton
Rita McBride Parking Garage (L), 2011 Bronze 28.5 x 62 x 47 cm Courtesy Konrad Fischer Gallery, Dusseldorf Photo: Archive Rita McBride
Raymond Pettibon, No Title (When the going…), 2007. Schreibstift, Tusche und gouache auf Papier, 52.7 x 62.2 cm. Courtesy David Zwirner, New York. © Raymond Pettibon
Alex Katz - Nine Black Dresses
Lawrence Weiner Installation in der Toledo Station Sammlung Metropolitana di Napoli  Courtesy of Moved Pictures Archive, NYC & Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli © 2014 ProLitteris, Zürich
Ludwig Stocker  Fallstudie II, 2013  Polystyrol, Zement, Farbe 145 cm hoch  Ref. 507
Carolee Schneemann, Meat Joy, 1964*
Lee Miller SS guard in canal, Dachau, Germany, 1945 © Lee Miller Archives, England 2014. All rights reserved
Cindy Sherman Untitled #470 2008 Farbfotografie 214,5 x 146 cm Courtesy of the artist and Sammlung Goetz, München