9495 Shirley Temple Blue - Sotheby's Photo
De Beers Millennium Jewel 4 A rare and superb Oval Internally Flawless Fancy Vivid Blue Diamond weighing 10.10 Carats Est. HK$235 – 280 million / US$30 – 35 million
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2015  General Impression  © Art Basel
Art Basel in Hong Kong 2015  General Impression  © Art Basel
Art Basel in Miami Beach 2015 © Art Basel
Fine art asia 2016
A huanghuali canopy bed  Early Qing Dynasty, 17th century L. 224cm W. 147.7cm H. 231.2cm  Ever Arts Gallery, Hong Kong
Art Project Wan Lee  Product, 2015 Download Hi Res Image
The Infinite Nothing: I , 2015, Single-channel video and sound installation, Dimension variable, Image courtesy of the artist
Ben Brown Fine Arts Art Basel in Hong Kong 2014 MCH Messe Schweiz (Basel) AG
White Space Beijing He xiangyu Everything we Created is not Ourselves 30-1, 2014-2015 Image Courtesy of the artist and White Space Beijing
Gajah Gallery Ashley Bickerton Arcanery-ChicaneryChicanery-SophistryC2A w, 2014 Courtesy the artist and the gallery
Andréhn-Schiptjenko Tobias Bernstrup South of Heave, 2014, 5ʹ22ʺ Courtesy the artist and the gallery