HARD/SOFT. Textil und Keramik in der zeitgenössischen Kunst Dorota Jurczak, Bronski, 2023 Courtesy of the artist and KIN, Brussels © Useful Art Services
Otto Scherer, NewYork NewYork, 2013, Keramik platiniert, Acrylglas, 180x80x80cm
Richard Deacon New Works
Martin McWilliam, pheno jj pheno j, 2019
Otto Scherer - Modulare Sa?ulen, 2022, Keramik vergoldet platiniert, 38/69x10x10cm, Auflage.2
Statuette einer Adorantin aus dem Höhlenheiligtum von Cueva de la Lobera, Castellar (Jaén), Bronze, 4.–2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. © Museu d’Arqueologia de CatalunyaCentre,
Design Miami 202
Design Miami/ Paris Concludes a Successful Inaugural Edition at L’hôtel de Maisons
"Trika" aus dem Hause BVLGARI (Los 539 und 1070)
Reza Aramesh, ACTION 306, Corrientes Prison 4 April 2020, Carved and hand polished Bianco Michelangelo marble, 48 x 39 x 18 courtesy of the artist
Rodrigo Valenzuela, Garabato #8, 2023, Archival inkjet prints, Ed 1 of 3 plus 1 AP, 30 x 36 cm, courtesy of the artist
Clay Nirvana Selling Exhibition • 28 July - 25 August 2023 • Shanghai