Lee Miller, Picasso and Lee Miller in his studio, Paris, 1944 © Lee Miller Archives England 2022
cHyun Gyoung Bakterie beim Bauchtraining 2020 Foto Il-Suk Lee Muenster
Lilian Bassman Barbara Mullen, um 1952/1994 Silbergelatine © Estate of Lillian Bassman Foto: Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Fire Masks, Downshire Hill, London, England, 1941 by Lee Miller © Lee Miller Archives England 2021. All Rights Reserved. www.leemiller.co.uk
Ellen von Unwerth: "Lana del Rey", 2012 © Ellen von Unwerth Studios
Lee Miller: Akt, Paris, Frankreich, 1930 © Lee Miller Archives England 2015. All Rights Reserved. www.leemiller.co.uk
Lee Miller SS guard in canal, Dachau, Germany, 1945 © Lee Miller Archives, England 2014. All rights reserved