Klaus Littmann „FOR FOREST - Die ungebrochene Anziehungskraft der Natur“, Kunstintervention 2019, Wörthersee Stadion Klagenfurt | Austria  ©  UNIMO
Image credit Max Peintner, The Unending Attraction of Nature, pencil drawing, 1970/71, hand-coloured by Klaus Littmann in 2018, unique print from series
A large male mammoth skeleton from the Ice Age, found in the Tomsk Region, Siberia proved that mammoths were still popular with private collectors when the 2.4 m high and 4 m long skeleton sold for £115,000 (hammer, £140,500 premium).
Simon Ledergerber, Der Atem der verklingenden Kühle bleibt weg, 2012, Gipsstaub auf Eiszapfen, 225 x 230 x 230cm, Cantonale Berne Jura, Centre PasquArt, Biel-Bienne
Karin Pliem, Il trionfo della Luba, 2018, Öl/Leinwand, 200 x 250 cm
Daniel Schwartz Vertigo. Galmiggletscher, Wallis, 2014 Sammlung Fondation USM, Gümligen ©Künstler/ Pro Litteris
Abbildung: Tacita Dean, Cúmulo, 2016, Kreide auf Wandtafel, 244,0 x 732,0 cm (6 Teile, Gesamtmass), Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel; © Tacita Dean, 2018; Foto: Mark Niedermann
© Jochen Lempert Untitled (Doubled Iris), 2015, Courtesy BQ Berlin, Projecte SD Barcelona (c)Jochen Lempert, Bildrecht 2018
Raqs Media Collective Untold Intimacy of Digits, 2011, Einkanal-Video-Projektion, 0’47 (Loop), Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, Foto: © Raqs Media Collective
Dejan Marković, "Shapes of Things Before My Eyes", 2017, Filmstill © Dejan Marković
Farhad Moshiri First Snow 010B, 2017 Handembroidered beads on canvas on board 93 x 117 cm (36,61 x 46,06 in) (FMO 2040)