Unlock Book Fair Graffiti-Buch- und Magazin-Messe
Muse (c) Muse
Roni Horn, This is Me, This is You, 1997-2000 (Detail) Courtesy the artist and Hauser & Wirth. © Roni Horn | Abb. 5: Außenansicht Museum Brandhorst. Foto: Andreas Lechtape © Museum Brandhorst
Jamel Shabazz Style and Flava On the lower East Side of Manhattan, 2014 © Jamel Shabazz courtesy Galerie Bene Taschen
Friedensreich Hundertwassers Meisterklasse an der Wiener Ak. d. Bild. Künste, ca. 1984
Ausstellung Street. Life. Photography
Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Marylin, 28 Years Old, Las Vegas, Nevada, 30$, 1990-1992
DFace, Console the Lonely, credit - © Lionel Belluteau
Fred Stein, Brooklyn Bridge Walkway, New York, 1944
Vivian Maier Selbstporträt Undatiert (1970er-Jahre)
Fred Stein, Nun / Nonne, New York 1942 196 x 245 mm  © Fred Stein bei VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018
Single Images 0 Rome By Andrea De Bon (c)