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Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 15.06.2019 - 27.06.2019

Internationale Kunstausstellung in Rom vom 15. Juni bis 27. Juni 2019 Vernissage Samstag, 15. Juni um 18.00 Uhr in den neuen eleganten Räumen der Kunstgalerie Rom https://www.artgalleryrome.it/ nur wenige Meter vom Chiostro del Bramante und der Piazza Navona entfernt Künstler aller Nationalitäten werden für die Teilnahme an der…
Internationale Kunstausstellung in Rom vom 15. Juni bis 27. Juni 2019 Vernissage Samstag, 15. Juni um 18.00 Uhr in den neuen eleganten Räumen der Kunstgalerie Rom https://www.artgalleryrome.it/ nur wenige Meter vom Chiostro del Bramante und der Piazza Navona entfernt Künstler aller Nationalitäten werden für die Teilnahme an der Artexpo Summer Rome 2019 ausgewählt, einer internationalen Kunstausstellung in Rom vom 15. Juni bis 27. Juni 2019 und einer Vernissage am Samstag, dem 15. Juni um 18 Uhr, im neuen und eleganten Raum der Galerie "Art Gallery Rome" https : //www.artgalleryrome.it/ in der Via di Parione 10 00186 im historischen Zentrum von Rom, nur wenige Meter vom Chiostro del Bramante und der Piazza Navona entfernt.

Teilnahmeanträge müssen bis zum 26. Mai eingegangen sein, und wir werden die Ergebnisse innerhalb von drei Tagen nach dem Absenden mitteilen!

Artexpo Summer Rome 2019International art exhibition in Rome (Italy)From June 15 to June 27,2019 and vernissage Saturday June 15th at 6 p.m.At the new and elegant location of "Art Gallery Rome" https://www.artgalleryrome.it/ in Rome's historic center near Chiostro del Bramante and Piazza Navona.Artists of all nationalities are selected for Artexpo Summer Rome 2019International art exhibition in Rome (Italy) , from June 15 to June 27,2019 and vernissage Saturday June 15th at 6 p.m, at the new and elegant location of "Art Gallery Rome" https://www.artgalleryrome.it/ in Via di Parione 10 00186 Rome situated in the most beautiful areas in Rome in Rome's historic center near Chiostro del Bramante and Piazza Navona.All requests must be received not later than May 26th, 2019 and We will begin to comunicate the result of the selections within three days!REGULATIONArt. 1 who can partecipate.Artists of all nationalities and any religious beliefs, regardless of age and gender.Art.2 Target recipientsThe theme is free.“Artexpo Summer Rome 2019" targets artists working in all forms of visual arts: painting, sculpture, photography, digital, graphics, engravings.Art 3 How to participateTo participate in the selection, you must go at link to this page:https://www.artintheworld.net/drupal/node/add/artexpo-summer-romesucces… enter the information requested in the spaces provided (those with "*" are required)and attach the photo (click the photo by clicking the "Browse" and then click "upload") to confirm the data entered click "Save".Is possible to participate in the selection with only one artwork whose size including any trim or FRAME (but is not necessary it's OK to expose only the canvas or board) does not exceed the total size of  80 cm width x maximum height of  80 cm .The sculptures will not overcome any of the following measures: base cm. 50 x 50 cm height. 70, Kg.35 weight.The use of glass is a bad idea! and will not be refunded the cost of glass in case of breakage.We accept no responsibility for the failure of the website or email, in case of problems for completing the online write at selezioni@artintheworld.netArticle 4 SelectionWe select artists who will be distinguished for originality and expressive quality.Each artist can exhibit only one artwork based on the size mentioned at article 3.No fee is requested to participate in the selection. The selected artists, who confirm their participation in the exhibition, are requested to pay a partecipation fee of 129 euros.For artist that are already presents in our web site, the partecipation fee is only 119 euros instead of 129 euros.The fee allows the artist to have the following facilities:* CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION* 1 copy of exhibition ART CATALOG  (any other more on request and for a fee)* OPENING with drinks and snacks* Setting up and dismantling* Invitations and communication by mailing list of 55,000 contacts* Inserting artistic event sites* Graphic Design graphic material Publicity and distribution* 5000 Flyers and Poster* Guardians* Sales assistance* Video with pre-show presentation of artists (visible on the network)* Video inaugural vernissage (visible on the network)* Photos of the event available onlineThe percentage of 20% is required by the Art Gallery in the event of sale.Article 5 Presentation of Selected ArtworksSelected artists will be asked for the original works packed to perfection, on the package they will have to write "Artexpo Summer Rome 2019" in addition to their name / surname. The artworks must be received no later than June 11th (they may be mailed or delivered in person) at the address in Rome that will be communicated once the selection is completed. The paintings and photographs should already be prepared for set up and equipped with central hanger. The artworks sent by mail will be accepted only with costs and risks borne by the participant, both for the incoming shipping and for the return (return).IMPORTANTOnly for outside Europe: We must receive the artworks “DUTY FREE/PAID – Custom Cleared”.Article 6 Return of the artworksIt will be possible to directly pick up the artwork at no cost at the address in Rome that will be communicated once the selection is completed.It is also possible to have the artwork shipped back at the expense of the artist by our trusted courier. (cheap and accurate).Article 7 DisclaimerThe organizers, although the greatest care of the works received, do not assume any liability for any transport damage, tampering, fire, theft or other causes during the period of the exhibition, storage, exposure and stock.Article 8 Acceptance of TermsThe artist guarantee the originality of the artwork and participating in the exhibition " Artexpo Summer Rome 2019 " implicitly accept all the rules contained in this announcement, and declare to agree with the Application Form requirements.The participating artist declares to have read these rules and accepts them in all its points, and authorize the use of the personal data/records according to the Italian Law 193/2003 and the publication of Artworks in catalogues or printed paper, electronic databases, publications on websites for specialized press purposes.Event organization Artists in the World Events di Angelo RibezziWebsite http://www.artintheworld.net/email news@artintheworld.netGallery “Art Gallery Rome”Website https://www.artgalleryrome.it/  email info@artgalleryrome.it

Tags: Kunst, Malerei, Zeitgenössische Kunst

Vom 15. Juni bis 27. Juni 2009 und Vernissage am Samstag, den 15. Juni um 18 Uhr. Am neuen und eleganten Ort der "Art Gallery Rome" https://www.artgalleryrome.it/ im historischen Zentrum von Rom, nahe dem Chiostro del Bramante und der Piazza Navona. Künstler aller Nationalitäten, die für Artexpo Summer Rome 2019 ausgewählt wurden: Internationale Kunstausstellung in Rom (Italien) vom 15. Juni bis 27. Juni 2009 und Vernissage am Samstag, den 15. Juni um 18 Uhr, am neuen und eleganten Ort der "Art Gallery Rome" https: //www.artgalleryrome.it/ in der Via di Parione 10 00186 Rom in den schönsten Gegenden Roms im historischen Zentrum von Rom, nahe dem Kreuzgang von Bramante und der Piazza Navona. Alle Anfragen müssen nach dem 26. Mai 2019 eingehen. Das Ergebnis der Auswahl wird innerhalb von drei Tagen bekannt gegeben!.

Rom, Ausstellung, 01.08.2024 - 27.10.2024
Titian, Bellini, Bronzino.
Rom, Ausstellung, 21.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
Louise Bourgeois. Unconscious memories
Rom, Ausstellung, 04.07.2024 - 04.08.2024
Rita Sabo Rom Vernissage (c) maxxi.art
Rom, Ausstellung, 26.03.2024 - 23.06.2024
Rom, Ausstellung, 14.11.2023 - 18.02.2024
Susanna and the Elders, Peter Paul Rubens, oil on canvas, 1606-1607 c., 94 x 67 cm, Galleria Borghese, Roma, ph. M. Coen © Galleria Borghese
Rom, Ausstellung, 04.11.2023 - 11.11.2023
"Joy" Copyright: Alexandra Kordas
Rom, Ausstellung, 27.05.2023 - 05.11.2023
Ugo La Pietra - Mobili da riconversione progettuale - CIAC Foligno 2018 © Aurelia Raffo  Una selezione di mostre e appuntamenti da non mancare nel mese di giugno.  battaglia © F. Caricchia per SSABAP
Rom, Ausstellung, 03.05.2023 - 29.05.2023
(c) Rechte Dieter Nuhr
Rom, Ausstellung, 14.03.2023 - 28.05.2023
Giuseppe Penone. Universal Gesture
Rom, Ausstellung, 08.10.2022 - 07.05.2023
Vincent van Gogh , Selbstbildnis, 1887. Öl auf Karton, 32,8 x 24 cm. © Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, Niederlande