Exhibition: Anselm Kiefer On display Exhibition: Anselm Kiefer On display - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: voorlinden

Wer: voorlinden

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 15.04.2020

Museum Voorlinden temporarily closedIn line with the national policy regarding the coronavirus, the museum and restaurant of Voorlinden are closed. Follow the reports on our website about the duration of the closure. Visitors who have already bought tickets will be contacted as soon as possible.

Voorlinden presents Anselm Kiefer (1945), one of the most important artists…

Museum Voorlinden temporarily closedIn line with the national policy regarding the coronavirus, the museum and restaurant of Voorlinden are closed. Follow the reports on our website about the duration of the closure. Visitors who have already bought tickets will be contacted as soon as possible.

Voorlinden presents Anselm Kiefer (1945), one of the most important artists of our time. His monumental works will be on display in the museum’s garden room. With his distinctive visual language and layered references to history, mythology and literature, Anselm has built a four-decade oeuvre of epic proportions. Voorlinden shows several iconic works from its own collection, featuring Anselm Kiefer’s typical visual complexity and wealth of materials.

The German artist was born in the final phase of the Second World War. His life began when the war came to an end. This historical tipping point is the thread that runs through his life. Anselm Kiefer was one of the first German artists to examine recent history in the late 1960s. Nevertheless, his work transcends this theme and he is particularly fascinated by time and the continuity of history. With oil paint, earth, lead, photography, woodcuts, sand, hay and other natural materials, Anselm Kiefer interweaves complex historical events, Germanic mythology, alchemy and poetry into works that blow us away and appeal to our collective memory.

‘Art is longing. You never arrive, but you keep going in the hope that you will.’ – Anselm Kiefer

Tags: Anselm Kiefer, Kunst

Opening hours & admission Open daily 11:00-17:00 Adults: € 15,00 Youth 13-18 years: € 7,50 Children up to 12 years: free

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Links: Alberto Giacometti, Homme qui marche II (1960). Fondation Giacometti © Alberto Giacometti Succession  Rechts: Pablo Picasso, L’Ombre (1953). Musée national Picasso-Paris, © Succession Picasso 2021 Photo
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