© Alex Katz, Blue Umbrella 2, 1972, c/o Pictoright Amsterdam 2023 – Private Collection, New York
Rinus Van de Velde – untitled 2022 – Courtesy Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerp
Antony Gormley in Passage (2016), collection Voorlinden| Photo Joel Ford / AFP
Installation view museum Voorlinden Photo: Antoine van Kaam
Photo credits Copyright: Martin Müller, Berlin
Links: Alberto Giacometti, Homme qui marche II (1960). Fondation Giacometti © Alberto Giacometti Succession  Rechts: Pablo Picasso, L’Ombre (1953). Musée national Picasso-Paris, © Succession Picasso 2021 Photo
Voorlinden Rendez-Vous
Installation view museum Voorlinden Photo: Antoine van Kaam
Exhibition Giuseppe Penone
Exhibition British artist Antony Gormley
Coming at Voorlinden in 2020
Exhibition: Anselm Kiefer On display
Louise Bourgeois in front of STE SÉBASTIENNE (1998), in her Brooklyn studio in March 1993 Photo: © Vera Isler-Leiner © Artists Rights Society (ARS) NY/Pictoright, Amsterdam Art © The Easton Foundation/VAGA at Artist Rights Society (ARS), NY/NY/Pictoright, Amsterdam