- Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: RencontresArles

Wer: RencontresArles

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 17.10.2022 - 22.11.2022

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS UNTIL NOVEMBER 22, 2022After 20 years of support for photography and 10 years of the BMW Residency, BMW Group France has given a new direction to its artistic support in 2021 and has reinvented its model. Still dedicated to emerging creation, experimentation and image, this program opens to the visual arts and offers a grant to an artist-curator duo as…
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS UNTIL NOVEMBER 22, 2022After 20 years of support for photography and 10 years of the BMW Residency, BMW Group France has given a new direction to its artistic support in 2021 and has reinvented its model. Still dedicated to emerging creation, experimentation and image, this program opens to the visual arts and offers a grant to an artist-curator duo as well as a budget for research and production of works.

→ BMW Group France is launching the second edition of the BMW ART MAKERS, dedicated to emerging creation in the field of visual arts and contemporary images.

→ Each year, the BMW ART MAKERS program selects an artist-curator duo to assist in the realization of an artistic creation project and its implementation in space.

→ The prize money includes a grant of €10,000 for the artist and €8,000 for the curator as well as a research and production budget of €15,000.

→ The work produced will be exhibited during the 2023 editions of the Rencontres d'Arles and Paris Photo, of which BMW is an official partner.

→ The call for entries is open until November 22, 2022.

→ The jury will announce the winning duo in December.

Duos can submit their applications until November 22, 2022, through the dedicated platform: → bmw-art-makers.com

Tags: Farbfotografie, Kunstfotografie, Louis Roederer, SMITH


Arles, Ausstellung, 15.09.2022 - 15.11.2022
Arles, Ausstellung, 04.07.2022 - 25.09.2022
Les rencontres d'Arles 2022
Arles, Ausstellung, 05.07.2022 - 25.09.2022
Babette Mangolte.  Lucinda Childs dancing her solo “Katema” in her loft on Broadway, 1978.  Courtesy Babette Mangolte.
Arles, Ausstellung, 05.07.2022 - 25.09.2022
Susan Meiselas & Marta Gentilucci.  Film still from the video Cartographie du corps.  Courtesy of the artists.
Ana Mendieta.  Untitled (Glass on Body Imprints), 1972.  Courtesy The Estate of Ana Mendieta Collection, LLC / Galerie Lelong /  Verbund Collection, Vienna.
© Abdelkader Ouaham & Alessandro Mosalini
Babette Mangolte.  Selbstportrait , 1978.
Arles, Ausstellung, 19.05.2022 - 12.06.2022
Arles, Ausstellung, 04.07.2021 - 26.09.2021