Four Winds GROUP SHOW Four Winds GROUP SHOW - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriethomasschulte

Wer: galeriethomasschulte

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 18.03.2023 - 15.04.2023

The group exhibition Four Winds at Galerie Thomas Schulte brings together works by Angela de la Cruz, Franka Hörnschemeyer, Richard Deacon, and Hamish Fulton. Using different mediums and approaches, their works on view explore intangible traces of memories, ephemeral actions, and materials. A vinyl wall text by Hamish Fulton, installed onto the large windowpanes of the…
The group exhibition Four Winds at Galerie Thomas Schulte brings together works by Angela de la Cruz, Franka Hörnschemeyer, Richard Deacon, and Hamish Fulton. Using different mediums and approaches, their works on view explore intangible traces of memories, ephemeral actions, and materials. A vinyl wall text by Hamish Fulton, installed onto the large windowpanes of the Corner Space and visible at a distance from the street complements the artworks inside the gallery.

At the age of 27, Hamish Fulton made the decision “to make art resulting only from the experience of individual walks.” Since then, each of his artworks has derived from direct physical engagement with a particular landscape in a specified space. Wishing to leave as few traces of his passing in nature as possible, Fulton composes texts of carefully chosen words combined with graphically reduced shapes and symbols and translates the experience of his walks into large wall texts or small-scale drawings, photographs, and woodwork.

Franka Hörnschemeyer Simple Entity in a Complex Environment, 2010 Franka Hörnschemeyer Simple Entity in a Complex Environment, 2010 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriethomasschulte
Tags: Angela De La Cruz, Bildhauer, Franka Hörnschemeyer, Hamish Fulton, Installation, José Montealegre, Malerei, Richard Deaco, Skulpturen


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