Anselm Kiefer Mein Rhein Anselm Kiefer Mein Rhein - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: ropac

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 26.07.2024 - 28.09.2024

Mein Rhein (My Rhine) presents new works by Anselm Kiefer that pay homage to the Rhine River and its surrounding woodlands – the place of the artist’s childhood. Kiefer grew up in the Black Forest region in close proximity to the river, and its east bank was the site of many of his early adventures. Marking the border with France, the Rhine held a great fascination for the…
Mein Rhein (My Rhine) presents new works by Anselm Kiefer that pay homage to the Rhine River and its surrounding woodlands – the place of the artist’s childhood. Kiefer grew up in the Black Forest region in close proximity to the river, and its east bank was the site of many of his early adventures. Marking the border with France, the Rhine held a great fascination for the artist, while simultaneously representing an end point to his world at the time. In addition to large-scale canvases, the exhibition will present a vitrine work as well as a selection of Kiefer’s childhood drawings, providing visitors with an insight into the artist’s earliest confrontations with the river. These first ever renditions of the subject, to which he has repeatedly returned over the decades, allow glimpses into his youthful imagination, while highlighting the enduring influence of his earliest experiences on his artistic practice.
Tags: Anselm Kiefer, Bildhauer, Figurativ kunst, Malerei, Neoexpressionismus

Tuesday—Saturday, 10am—6pm.

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