Bethany Robbins, London 2018, © Vincent Peters Bethany Robbins, London 2018, © Vincent Peters - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: palazzorealemilano

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 12.01.2023 - 26.02.2023

A selection of 89 black-and-white works in which light takes center stage in defining the emotions and telling the stories of the subjects portrayed.

From Jan. 12 to Feb. 26, 2023, Palazzo Reale brings the iconic and timeless shots of photographer Vincent Peters to Milan with an exhibition with free admission entitled “Timeless Time”: a journey made of shadows,…

A selection of 89 black-and-white works in which light takes center stage in defining the emotions and telling the stories of the subjects portrayed.

From Jan. 12 to Feb. 26, 2023, Palazzo Reale brings the iconic and timeless shots of photographer Vincent Peters to Milan with an exhibition with free admission entitled “Timeless Time”: a journey made of shadows, reflections and chiaroscuro, in a succession of familiar faces made familiar by the use of light.

The exhibition promoted by Comune di Milano-Cultura, produced and organized by Palazzo Reale and Nobile Agency, is curated by Alessia Glaviano, Curator & Head of Global Photovogue will be developed in the Prince’s apartments.v Vincent Peters' gaze is the protagonist at Palazzo Reale of an original exhibition, scheduled until the next Milan Fashion Week, which places the artist’s works in a fascinating dialogue with the twelve rooms of the Appartamento dei Principi.

Christian Bale, Kim Basinger, Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, Laetitia Casta, Cindy Crawford, Penelope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Michael Fassbender, Scarlett Johansson, Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, Charlize Theron, and Emma Watson are just some of the celebrities whose portraits are on display at the Royal Palace. Shots taken between 2001 and 2021 by Vincent Peters who, using impeccable lighting, elevates his subjects to a position that often transcends their celebrity status.

Before his lens parade the famous faces of fashion and cinema whose beauty and charm Peters gathers, crystallizing in each shot, not a simple image, but an entire story. Peters’ lens captures layers and fragments of reality and returns them to the public condensed into a black and white with a neo-realist flavor. Thanks to Cinecittà, Main sponsor Ferrari Trento, Boglioli Milano, UBV group spa.

Vom 12. Januar bis 26. Februar 2023 bringt der Palazzo Reale die ikonischen und zeitlosen Aufnahmen des Fotografen Vincent Peters mit der Ausstellung "Timeless Time" bei freiem Eintritt nach Mailand : ein Weg aus Schatten, Reflexionen und Hell-Dunkel, in einer Reihe bekannter Gesichter vertraut durch die Verwendung von Licht.

Die von der Comune di Milano-Cultura geförderte, von Palazzo Reale und Nobile Agency produzierte und organisierte Ausstellung wird von Alessia Glaviano, Kuratorin und Leiterin von Global Photovogue , kuratiert .

Mit einem zeitlosen Stil werden die Werke von Vincent Peters, die in der Wohnung der Prinzen auf der noblen Etage des Palazzo Reale ausgestellt sind , durch eine minimale Umgebung aufgewertet , die die kraftvollen Schwarz-Weiß-Bilder verstärkt und gleichzeitig die Schönheit des eleganten Fünfzehnten vereint -Jahrhundert Zimmer, die sie hosten.

Tags: Designermode, Modefotografien, Schwarzweißfotografie‎, Vincent Peters


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