A special project “Luxuries. Suppliers of the Court of His Imperial Majesty” included bronze sculptures by E.A.Lancere and V.Y.Grachev, fine glassware and china made at the Imperial Glass Factory, Nikolo-Bakhmetiev Crystal Factory, Porcelain Factory of the Kornilov brothers and the“Association of Production of Porcelain, Faience and Majolica Products of M.S. Kuznetsov”,the Bolinsjewelers family, luxury dresses from the Fashion Atelier of N. P. Lamanova and other outstanding works. The curator of the special project, honored culture figure of Russia AndreyAkimovichGilodo, admits that the exhibition incorporated thebest samples of European art.
Traditionally, the business program of the Russian Antique Salon was devoted to topical issues of the antique market, as well as the creativity of outstanding masters of the past centuries. The most significant was a round table “Overcoming the Critical Situations in the Art Market”,organized by the newspaper The Art Newspaper Russia with the participation of the International Confederation of Antique and Art Dealers. There was a meeting dedicated to life and work of famous abstractionist Sergei Sharshun, organized by “Zdes” Gallery.Within business-program restorer Elena Zilina told about the peculiarities ofantique furniture restoration.
Traditional Expert Council of the Salonawarded the best exhibitors with special diplomas.
Diploma “The Best Expositionof Art Glass”: Design Studio “Inarteks”
Diploma “TheMuseumLevel of Special Exhibition “Luxuries. Suppliers of the Court of His Imperial Majesty”: Andrej AkimovichGilodo, Honored Figure of Culture of the Russian Federation
Diploma “Thematic Exhibition“Picasso and the Russian Paris”: “Elysium” Gallery
Diploma “Thematic Collection“Magic Realism of Sergei Sharshun” “Zdes” Gallery
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (painting): “Petersburg” Antique Salon
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (painting):“Suslov Fine Arts”
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (painting):“Altruist” Gallery
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (painting):“Old Masters Gallery”
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (arts and crafts): “Suslov Fine Arts”
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (arts and crafts): “Antique Trade of A.E. Lelyanova”
Diploma “For Artistic Quality of the Exhibition” (arts and crafts): “Relic” Gallery
Diploma “The Best Exposition of Oriental Art”: “Eurasia” Gallery
Welcome to ХХХIXRussian Antique Salonfrom 17 to 25 October 2015 at the Central House of Artists.
PARTICIPANT LISTAA-AmpirAntik, Private Collection Author's works of M.Barkova Akant Aleksandr Antikvariy Antikvariat Na Tishinke ANTIQUARIUM Antique Trade of Lelianov A.E. Antikvarnye Podarki Antikvarny Lombard ANTIQUE PALACE Skazka Antique Salon «Kamilla» Antique Salon Antique Salon «Na Ordynke» Antik-Invest & Gallery of Graphic Art Antique-markt International AntiquePro Arbat, 36 Aromaty Vlasty Art Gallery Kremlin Art Deco Bronze, St.-Petersburg Галерея Саркисян / Art Panorama / Sarkisyan Gallery ART-Peterburg Artkomintern Kolonia Art Agency ART-SOYUZ' Alekseevskoe podvorie Assol Biedermeier Blagodat Wolmar The Chapkins’ Paper Collection Vash Antikvar Things for Soul Viardo Vintage-Bijou Vostochny Express Russkoe Serebro Vostok Gallery ZDES Gallery Imperator Gallery «Iskusstvo Vostoka» Gallery Russian avantguard of 10-30s Gallery 4 ARTS Gallery Altruist Gallery Abris Gallery Budapest Gallery Dayev-33 Gallery Mikhailov Gallery Elysium Gallery Garmonia Kontrastov Gloria Granatovy Bracelet Deco-Antique INARTEX Design-studio Maison de Haute Culture Eurasia Evropeiskoye Serebro Zapad–Vostok The interiors of the Maharajas Istoricheskaya Spravedlivost Kalezha Karibskiy Muzeu Yantaria Kardashidi Art Klio (Saint-Petersburg) Art de Vivre tapestries Kozhanaya Mozaika Koleso Vremeni Kollektarium Kollektsionery Armenia Collectsioner SUR Collection Collection from the East Komtorg Plus Lavka Drevnosti Lavka Stariny. Moskva Lada Bystritskaya Letopis Magazin Voennoy Istorii MAZHINO Melarus Art Moskovskaya Mozaika Na Vse Vremena Na Taganke Natalyina Kollektsia Nashe Nasledie Nemetskiy Farfor Okno v Vintage OSTLANTIK Pallada Planeta Realism v Farfore Realism i Sotsrealism. Private Collection Russian Seasons Russian Modern St.-Petersburg Salon na Kutuzovskom, 24 Peterburg Salon SECH Serebro Evropa Sobranie Nabokova-Alekseyeva SOV-ART Collection Soyuz Starinny Interier (Saint-Petersburg) Starinnye Ramy Stary Petersburg Margarita T.O. Terra Three Collections Forum Art Hobby. Yaroslavl Chrysolite Chai na Dache Private Collection MART Private Collection «Estetika» Private Collection Private Collection. Moscow Private Collection Private Collection. Kemerovo Private Collection. Moscow The Novikov’s Private Collection Private Collection. Moscow Private Collection. Saratov Raigorod Private Collection Exclusive Carpets ANTIKDECOR ANTIKPARIS4U.COM ART Bazar ARISTOCRAT ALLEA BOCCARA BROCADE Euroantikvar GURIATY HEAVEN ART 28 Honey Hush Shop IRAN CARPETS (Иранские ковры) JAPPROART MARCO Maricevic Fine Art OBERTON Old Masters Gallery PiterOldBook Suslov Fine Arts TRANSATLANTIQUE TVRANDOT Valentina Gallery VIP Ковер
16 October16:00-21:0017 October - 25 October 12:00-20:00
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