TAL is the only tribal art fair of its kind in the UK, held annually at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1 TAL is the only tribal art fair of its kind in the UK, held annually at Mall Galleries, The Mall, London SW1 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Gast

Was: Messe

Wann: 05.09.2018 - 08.09.2018

The only ethnographic fine art fair in the UK, TAL brings together twenty-three international dealers, each an experienced specialist in original-purpose, authentic tribal art from all corners of the globe. This year TAL hosts the launch of an important book African Twilight recording disappearing ceremonies and traditions, by explorers and photographers Angela Fisher…
The only ethnographic fine art fair in the UK, TAL brings together twenty-three international dealers, each an experienced specialist in original-purpose, authentic tribal art from all corners of the globe. This year TAL hosts the launch of an important book African Twilight recording disappearing ceremonies and traditions, by explorers and photographers Angela Fisher & Carol Beckwith. www.tribalartlondon.com
Tags: Ethnographica, Stammeskunst, Tribal Art

TAL 2018 DatesPREVIEW 4 September 3 pm – 9 pm5 September 10.30 am – 7 pm6 September 10.30 am – 9 pm7 September 10.30 am – 7 pm8 September 10.30 am – 6 pm

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