- Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: studiolabo

Wer: studiolabo

Was: Messe

Wann: 04.09.2021 - 10.09.2021

Design is back in town, from 4 to 10 SeptemberSeptember is a comeback month. Immediately after the summer break, design, fashion and art will be at the centre of an important moment for the city of Milan, thanks to a calendar full of appointments, seeing the Design Week from 4 to 10 September, Art Week from 13 to 19 September, and Fashion Week from 21 to 27 September.

Design is back in town, from 4 to 10 SeptemberSeptember is a comeback month. Immediately after the summer break, design, fashion and art will be at the centre of an important moment for the city of Milan, thanks to a calendar full of appointments, seeing the Design Week from 4 to 10 September, Art Week from 13 to 19 September, and Fashion Week from 21 to 27 September.

After the success of the Digital edition in April 2021, Studiolabo presents the second phase of the project dedicated to the most important appointment for the world of design, which is coming back to animate the Milan streets and districts with exhibitions and cultural events, integrating online and offline moments, in parallel with Supersalone, held in Rho Fiera Milano.

This event will create a link towards the April 2022 edition: a special moment, both for the selected period, but most of all as a sign of trust and hope. A significant appointment to focus on the challenges which the design segment will have to face post-pandemic. Thanks goes to Milan Municipality and YesMilano for their support and contribution through the campaign “Design is Milano is Design”, created to offer to all protagonists of Milano Design Week and Supersalone the possibility to communicate a distinct city positioning.

“The Forms of Living”, this year’s Fuorisalone themeFuorisalone.it presents the theme The Forms of Living, an opportunity for debate which started with Fuorisalone Digital Edition, between talks, discussion panels and workshops, to assess the transformations taking place within living spaces. But there’s more. It will also offer the opportunity to try and understand the changes affecting urban life, its environment, mobility and relations, transforming them into opportunities.

The pandemic has accelerated processes which were already in place, influencing daily habits and promoting economic opportunities offered by digital transformation. It’s not surprising, considering the lockdown period, to see that In this constantly evolving scenario, Fuorisalone appointments will offer a picture which balances design, art, architecture and anthropology, paying particular attention to the theme of circular design, sustainability and wellbeing.

“Fuorisalone’s September edition represents an even more challenging goal for all involved professionals, companies, Associations and Institutions which, following this long interval caused by the COVID emergency, are together committed to reaffirm Milan’s role as primary international point of reference for design culture”, as stated by Cristina Tajani, Milan Councillor for Job Policies, Productive Activities, Fashion and Design. She adds: “We believe that the commitment shown by companies, participating with great courage in this unusual edition, will be appreciated both by professionals and the general public. With this view, the Council Administration has decided to allow free use of public spaces for events with a cultural value, to encourage as much as possible participation in this edition, which can truly represent the first step to give back to our city its international appeal”.

“Flexibility is the absolute key word for this year, everything changes and evolves so quickly that we are left with no reference points. Companies, as well as designers, must be able to capture this moment, offering solutions which are consistent with the surrounding context and in line with all sustainability principles: environmental, economic, and social”, states Paolo Casati from Studiolabo. “This September edition sees an interest and participation beyond expectations, representing the wish for renewed relationships and sharing between professionals and the general public, a crucial element to renovate direct experience, in support of the digital aspect”.

“This September event is important from many points of view, it will be a moment in which the design system regains space and time, but it will also allow a reflection on what has been and what will be”, as stated by Cristian Confalonieri from Studiolabo. “There is still no deep understanding of the impact of the latest months, and going back to “doing” is the only way to understand and move on. We are delighted to see the very high number of involved companies and confirmed events”.

Fuorisalone Design Guide: monitoring the design world all year round The Forms of Living is the core theme, leading the path for Fuorisalone along the whole year, in which we will see projects with different partners in the event of the two editions, but also a dedicated editorial plan, which can be applied to the different tools offered by the platform.

The new Fuorisalone Design Guide project changes approach and modifies the core of its communication. Now the events’ guide is integrated into a more articulated system which lasts all year round, thanks to an editorial plan spread over different channels: website, magazine, TV and Meets. The offer includes not only contents expressing the world of Fuorisalone, between design and architecture, but also relating to art, lifestyle, technology, food and much more. All of this will allow international brands and professionals to keep a high level of interest and relations with the general public, spreading promotion opportunities and stakeholder interaction over time.

Fuorisalone.it, in partnership with Pyxie, will present Design LIVE - LIVE Design. This project will involve companies, celebrities and design students to build a phygital Design Week story, through the use of the revolutionary app Pyxie, the first automatic platform for multi-device video-editing. Fuorisalone.it platform will be integrated with Pyxie’s functionality, to collect and broadcast in streaming live contents created directly by a selected part of the public. These video and image contributions will remain visible on Fuorisalone TV and on Fuorisalone’s social channels even after the event, contributing to a creative capital of great value, which the event will leave each year as legacy. Design LIVE - LIVE Design is possible thanks to the support of Regione Lombardia through Bando DEMO - Design and Fashion Events and Initiatives.

September edition highlightsBrera Design Week is back with a series of events, exhibitions, ideas and product novelties. More than 80 are the venues involved to date, ranging from permanent showrooms, true protagonists of this edition, to new temporary locations. The topic of Living is investigated from different points of view, with a phygital approach to the event, in respect of the historical moment and to test new forms of relation with the general public. The 2021 edition will offer an opportunity for exchange and debate on new domestic spaces and living needs, as a direct consequence of the pandemic. Superstudio Group presents a double appointment in the Superstudio spaces, at number 27, on via Tortona, and at Superstudio Maxi, the new technologic and sustainable exhibition space which has just been completed on via Moncucco n.35, and will host a great exhibition-event. Through the r/evolution project, Superstudio will be more like an art exhibition than a trade fair, involving top level profiles such as Giulio Cappellini, Silvana Annicchiarico, Fulvia Ramogida and many September edition highlights Brera Design Week is back with a series of events, exhibitions, ideas and product novelties.

More than 80 are the venues involved to date, ranging from permanent showrooms, true protagonists of this edition, to new temporary locations. The topic of Living is investigated from different points of view, with a phygital approach to the event, in respect of the historical moment and to test new forms of relation with the general public. The 2021 edition will offer an opportunity for exchange and debate on new domestic spaces and living needs, as a direct consequence of the pandemic.

Superstudio Group presents a double appointment in the Superstudio spaces, at number 27, on via Tortona, and at Superstudio Maxi, the new technologic and sustainable exhibition space which has just been completed on via Moncucco n.35, and will host a great exhibition-event. Through the r/evolution project, Superstudio will be more like an art exhibition than a trade fair, involving top level profiles such as Giulio Cappellini, Silvana Annicchiarico, Fulvia Ramogida and many September edition highlights Brera Design Week is back with a series of events, exhibitions, ideas and product novelties. More than 80 are the venues involved to date, ranging from permanent showrooms, true protagonists of this edition, to new temporary locations. The topic of Living is investigated from different points of view, with a phygital approach to the event, in respect of the historical moment and to test new forms of relation with the general public. The 2021 edition will offer an opportunity for exchange and debate on new domestic spaces and living needs, as a direct consequence of the pandemic. Superstudio Group presents a double appointment in the Superstudio spaces, at number 27, on via Tortona, and at Superstudio Maxi, the new technologic and sustainable exhibition space which has just been completed on via Moncucco n.35, and will host a great exhibition-event. Through the r/evolution project, Superstudio will be more like an art exhibition than a trade fair, involving top level profiles such as Giulio Cappellini, Silvana Annicchiarico, Fulvia Ramogida and many others.

Tortona Rocks, design format curated by Milano Space Makers, presents The Design Ahead, a selection of international companies and exhibitions, to present a complete picture of the design world, looking ahead, through a collective view of converging disciplines. Opificio 31, at the heart of Tortona district, will stand as a point of attraction for international creative projects. Among these, Phyd Hub, an Adecco platform dedicated to future jobs, will be present with a Content Lounge, hosting live interviews.

In via Tortona we will also find “Letshelter & Hang. Seeding the Future”, a visionary project on soilless cultivation and its application within the urban context, created by studio DFA Partners and Building Group, whereas in via Savona, The Playful Living will stand out with the project “The Playful Home”: a home for the PresentFuture, to observe how the physical and relational domestic environment affects the growth of young and less young.

BASE is presenting We Will Design, an experimental project starting from the micro-world of an atelier-room, widening to embrace the collective dimension of the neighbourhood, and finally opening a view towards the Earth’s ecosystem, to co-create a more sustainable future through design. The involved designers include: Parasite 2.0, Cesura, Matteo Guarnaccia, Anna Dienemann, Vicente Varella, Ludosofici, Emma van der Leest, Spazio META, Page Tsou, studio.traccia, Music Innovation Hub, IAAD, NID Perugia, POLI.design, Libera Università di Bolzano, Analogique.

5VIE, district in the historic heart of Milan, offers a series of exhibition-events, with a strongly performing character, which will be devoted to a specific message: action. The whole event will be celebrating AG Fronzoni, a master of Italian design, whose intellectual legacy is more than ever relevant today. Jorge Penadés, Sara Ricciardi, Francesco Pace (Tellurico) and Richard Yasmine will be present with site-specific installations inside the two main district locations: the 5VIE headquarters on Cesare Correnti and the SIAM in Santa Marta. Among the other appointments, HoperAperta platform presents an exhibition in Palazzo Recalcati curated by Patrizia Catalano and Maurizio Barberis; “Masterly” in Palazzo Turati celebrates Dutch design; “Glass Utopia”, an exhibition curated by Mr. Lawrence for Craft ACT: Craft + Design Center; “Design Made in Hong Kong”, organised by the Italian Institute of Culture in Hong Kong; “Line of Marble”, a project to express the value of Portuguese stone.

Design Variations, a coral exhibition curated by MoscaPartners, is back in the Palazzo Litta rooms, on corso Magenta 24. The Court of Honour of this historical Milan building will be reinterpreted by architects Manuel and Francisco Aires Mateus of Aires Mateus studio, with their project “A beach in the Baroque”. Alcova, format created by Joseph Grima and Valentina Ciuffi, presents a new exhibition inside a completely new venue. Only a few steps from Inganni M1 underground station, three extremely fascinating historical buildings, surrounded by a huge urban parc: around 3500 square metres of internal and external spaces, with over 40 exhibitors, including independent designers, innovative brands, galleries, cultural institutions and companies.

For Isola Design District, September represents the arriving point of a path which started in April with Isola Design Festival, six months long hybrid event, promoted by Comune di Milano. The event theme is We Are What We Design and, on top of all the digital activities, it will include, within Isola neighbourhood, Isola Design Awards prizing ceremony in July, and dozens of events in September, focusing on research, experimentation and sustainable design, promoting the best emerging designers from the whole world. Green Island, marking its 19th edition, will present an urban itinerary dedicated to creativity, art and landscape, within the Isola neighbourhood area. The project is called L’erbario in viaggio (The Touring Herbarium), in collaboration with the Italian Train System RFI-Rete Ferroviaria Italiana-Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane. It will involve numerous international artists, including Andrea Branzi, Tom Matton, Lois Weinberger, and the young Medusa Group. free use of public spaces for events with a cultural value, to encourage as much as possible participation in this edition, which can truly represent the first step to give back to our city its international appeal”. “Flexibility is the absolute key word for this year, everything changes and evolves so quickly that we are left with no reference points. Companies, as well as designers, must be able to capture this moment, offering solutions which are consistent with the surrounding context and in line with all sustainability principles: environmental, economic, and social”, states Paolo Casati from Studiolabo. “This September edition sees an interest and participation beyond expectations, representing the wish for renewed relationships and sharing between professionals and the general public, a crucial element to renovate direct experience, in support of the digital aspect”. “This September event is important from many points of view, it will be a moment in which the design system regains space and time, but it will also allow a reflection on what has been and what will be”, as stated by Cristian Confalonieri from Studiolabo. “There is still no deep understanding of the impact of the latest months, and going back to “doing” is the only way to understand and move on. We are delighted to see the very high number of involved companies and confirmed events”.

Objets Nomades - @ Alberto Imberti Objets Nomades - @ Alberto Imberti - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: studiolabo A Piece of Sky - @ Leonardo Cristiano A Piece of Sky - @ Leonardo Cristiano - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: studiolabo Conifera - @ Antonio Mocchetti Conifera - @ Antonio Mocchetti - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: studiolabo
Tags: Accessoires, Design, Design italien, Designer, Möbel


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