(c) affordableartfair.com (c) affordableartfair.com - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: Affordable

Wer: Affordable

Was: Messe

Wann: 17.11.2022 - 20.11.2022

From 17 – 20 November 2022, Affordable Art Fair returns to Hamburg with a range of local, national and international galleries. Browse and buy from 1000s of contemporary artworks, all priced under €7,500. Our 10th edition will be sure to help you love art at home!

Fair overviewFrom 17 – 20 November 2022, Affordable Art Fair returns to Hamburg with a range of local,…

From 17 – 20 November 2022, Affordable Art Fair returns to Hamburg with a range of local, national and international galleries. Browse and buy from 1000s of contemporary artworks, all priced under €7,500. Our 10th edition will be sure to help you love art at home!

Fair overviewFrom 17 – 20 November 2022, Affordable Art Fair returns to Hamburg with a range of local, national and international galleries. Browse and buy from 1000s of contemporary artworks, all priced under €7,500. Our 10th edition will be sure to help you love art at home!

Safe Fair PoliciesAlongside our venue, Hamburg Messe, we’re committed to making your fair visit as safe as possible. The 2G rule applies at the fair, and it is mandatory to show a proof of COVID-19 vaccination or recovery at the entrance. In the entrance area it is still mandatory to wear a face mask and keep 1.5m distance. Inside the hall the 2G rule applies and wearing a face mask is no longer mandatory.

Tags: Art Fair, Design, Malerei, Moderne Kunst, Zeitgenössische Kunst

Evolution London, Battersea Park, Queenstown Road, London SW11 4NJ, UK

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