hans nevidal, die glückliche brandschutzfamilie, aktion an der deutschen nationalbibliothek leipzig, 2011
Installation view of Lawrence Weiner | OUT OF SIGHT at the National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. | Courtesy of the artist © Lawrence Weiner | Photo: Wayne Taylor
Klaus Pobitzer, #reallifematters (Augmented Reality)
exposicion cgac hamish fulton asestelo fotografia
Abb.: Karsten Bott, temporäre Installation im Historisches Museum Frankfurt/Main, 2015, Foto: Karsten Bott
Blick in die Sammlung des Kunsthaus Zürich mit «Acht Lernschwestern» (1966) von Gerhard Richter, © Gerhard Richter, Foto © Caroline Minjolle
Ugo Rondinone, Installation "thank you silence", M – Museum Leuven, 2013  Courtesy of studio rondinone
Image: Gordon Matta-Clark in South America, 1972, silver gelatin print, 18 x 12,7 cm | 7 x 5 in. CCA Collection, Gift of the Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark © The Estate of Gordon Matta-Clark.
Marcel Duchamp
Karsten Neumann, v.l.n.r PLZ 90461, PLZ 91054, PLZ 90762, 2021, alle: Kunststoffmüll, LED, 30 x 22 x 18 cm, © Karsten Neumann
Glenn Ligon (1960-), Self-Portrait at Nine Years Old Pigmented linen pulp on paper, 12 x 12 in c. 2008. Courtesy of the artist