Line, Light, Shade
Drawings and Illustrations by Jan Preisler (1872–1918)
Living in Art
Cubist Drawings by Otto Gutfreund
Jitka Hanzlová: Silences
Stanislav Sucharda 1866–1916: The Creative Process
the national gallery prague celebrates 30 years of freedom and opens a new exhibition of 19th-century art
Alfred Sisley, Vykládání nákladních člunů v Billancourtu, 1877 Alfred Sisley, Unloading Barges at Billancourt, 1877 © Ordupgaard, Copenhagen / Photo Anders Sune Berg
Walking Man, 1960 © Alberto Giacometti Estate, (Fondation Giacometti, Paříž + ADAGP, Paris) 2019
Fotos von Národní galerie Prahas Beitrag in NGP ― Vernisáž: Čechy–Sasko: Jak blízko, tak daleko
Copyright: COI
Andy Warhol, Portraits, 1980