paper positions berlin 2024 | photos: Clara Wenzel-Theiler
POSITIONS Berlin Art Fair 2024 (c) Dominik Friess
Impressionen "paper positions berlin 2024"
paper positions berlin 2024 | credits: Clara Wenzel-Theiler.
HERBERT BRANDL     Ohne Titel     2023     Acrylic on canvas     160 x 120 cm
Oliver Laric, Sleeping Figure, 2023
Ausstellungsansicht, Wolfgang Gurlitt. Kunsthändler und Profiteur in Bad Aussee, 2024
Schwontkowski Triadische-Ballett Öl und Pigmente auf Leinwand, 100 x 80 cm, © Nachlass Norbert Schwontkowski / Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin, Foto: Jochen Littkemann
In Tony Heywood’s Southport studio, February 2023
Barry Le Va Distribution Piece, Particles and Strips, 1968 (Detail) Grauer Filz Dimensionen variabel (ca. 10,7 x 13,7 m) Foto: Elaine Mayes © Estate Barry Le Va, David Nolan, New York
Sebastian Grande, Gagarin’s Breakfast
Matija Debeljuh  The Servant / Study for Acting  2023  photo, print on paper  70 x 50 cm
Barricade (Black/Purple), 2023Oil and acrylic on canvas, metal83 x 96 x 77 cm | 33 x 38 x 30 in
Philipp Muerling, 2a, 20??, © Bildrecht Wien 2024