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Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 24.05.2018 - 20.06.2018

Georg Salner (* 1958 Galtür, Austria) creates - inspired by IT and media worlds - a synthesis between abstraction and objectivity. His works touch on the subject of everyday culture, graphic design, mathematics and typography. His geometric vocabulary of forms include basic structures of digital user interfaces or text displays as well as icons, brands and codes.


Georg Salner (* 1958 Galtür, Austria) creates - inspired by IT and media worlds - a synthesis between abstraction and objectivity. His works touch on the subject of everyday culture, graphic design, mathematics and typography. His geometric vocabulary of forms include basic structures of digital user interfaces or text displays as well as icons, brands and codes.

An essential function in his work is to create a moment of tension, such as between analog and digital, geometric and organic or seriality and autonomy. In his paintings Georg Salner creates a poetic artificial language whose basic parameters are communication, systems, alphabet, numerics, commodity world, technology and philosophy.

His first museum exhibition took place in 1991 in today's Lentos Museum in Linz, the others such as in the Albertina followed. Works by Georg Salner can be found in MUMOK, Vienna; Museum of Modern Art, Salzburg; Lentos Museum, Linz; Albertina Museum, Vienna; Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck; Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus; Museum Angerlehner, Wels; MAK, Vienna; Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz; Kupferstichkabinett of the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna; Bank Austria Kunstforum, Vienna; Strabag Art Forum; Vienna; Generali Foundation, Vienna and in numerous private collections.

Tags: Bildende Kunst, Georg Salner, Objekte

SUPPAN FINE ARTSPalais Coburg, Seilerstätte 3C, 1010 Wienbis 19. November 2017Di – Fr 15 – 19 UhrSa 11 – 14 Uhr

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