2 Pictorial Resonance Galerie Thomas Schulte Jonas Weichsel 2 Pictorial Resonance Galerie Thomas Schulte Jonas Weichsel - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriethomasschulte

Wer: galeriethomasschulte

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 27.01.2024 - 02.03.2024

Artworks by 18 artists fill the gallery space. They represent a diverse range of sizes and shapes and production techniques: ink on paper, oil on linen, 3D printed polyurethane, terracotta and glaze, oil on marble, gesso, pigments, UV print on canvas. Despite the heterogeneity of these works, together they allow us to examine the ways in which images both respond to and…
Artworks by 18 artists fill the gallery space. They represent a diverse range of sizes and shapes and production techniques: ink on paper, oil on linen, 3D printed polyurethane, terracotta and glaze, oil on marble, gesso, pigments, UV print on canvas. Despite the heterogeneity of these works, together they allow us to examine the ways in which images both respond to and reinforce each other in space. The exhibition draws our attention to the quiet yet profound knowledge hidden in pictorial work; the thought-through impact achieved by premeditated gestures, each of which is proceeded by careful deliberation.

Often chosen for the exhibition by the invited artists themselves, we have brought these works together in a collaborative effort to unpack the medium of painting and the creative process, asking how paintings collaborate, reverberate, and, indeed resonate with each other in an otherwise empty space.

This common indexical approach that unites the selected images and their producers is rooted in a fundamental curiosity toward the meaning and possibilities of painting today. Specializing in and going into rigorous analytical depth of different aspects of the medium—material preconditions, production, color, or light—the assembled artists scrutinize, question, and critically renegotiate their chosen medium. Thereby, it is the process of production that comes to the fore, around which systematic analytical frameworks and focused vocabularies crystallize.The show provides aims to create a space in which the works can vibrate and communicate with each other, in which a synthesis of pictorial resonances is enabled.

Fabian Marcaccio & Jonas Weichsel

Pieter Vermeersch Kerstin Brätsch Blinky Palermo Polly Apfelbaum Fabian Marcaccio Jürgen Krause Dan Walshx Iulia Nistor Paul Czerlitzki Toulu Hassani Marieta Chirulescu Nancy Haynes Jonas Weichsel Wade Guyton

7 Pictorial Resonance Galerie Thomas Schulte Jonas Weichsel 7 Pictorial Resonance Galerie Thomas Schulte Jonas Weichsel - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriethomasschulte
Tags: Blinky Palermo, Dan Walsh, Fabián Marcaccio, Iulia Nistor, Jonas Weichsel, Jürgen Krause, Kerstin Brätsch, Malerei, Marieta Chirulescu, Nancy Haynes, Paul Czerlitzki, Pieter Vermeersch, Polly Apfelbaum, Toulu Hassani, Wade Guyton


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