About Us , Richard Deacon About Us , Richard Deacon - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: galeriethomasschulte

Wer: galeriethomasschulte

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 29.06.2024 - 24.08.2024

Galerie Thomas Schulte is pleased to present About Us – an exhibition comprising two works by Richard Deacon in the Corner Space. The show brings together two distinct media that are fundamental for the artist: featuring an almost life-size stainless steel sculpture and a large, intricate black-and-white wall drawing. The works showcase Deacon’s mastery of material and…
Galerie Thomas Schulte is pleased to present About Us – an exhibition comprising two works by Richard Deacon in the Corner Space. The show brings together two distinct media that are fundamental for the artist: featuring an almost life-size stainless steel sculpture and a large, intricate black-and-white wall drawing. The works showcase Deacon’s mastery of material and medium, while offering a highly focused glimpse into two decades of his analytical form language and construction of aesthetic systems.

Through an interplay of surfaces, as well as orientational and directional shifts, there is a sense that things somehow repeat and yet always transform. Both the sculpture and drawing presented here are pared down in color; their lines and patterns are in conversation, contrasting and picking up on each other’s nuances and ambiguities.

Tags: Installation, Keramik, Objekte, Richard Deaco, Skulpturen


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