L’angelo del focolare (1937) olio su tela, 114 x 146 cm Collezione privata, Svizzera Classic paintings/ Alamy Stock Photo © Max Ernst by SIAE 2022 L’angelo del focolare (1937) olio su tela, 114 x 146 cm Collezione privata, Svizzera Classic paintings/ Alamy Stock Photo © Max Ernst by SIAE 2022 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: palazzorealemilano

Wer: palazzorealemilano

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 04.10.2022 - 26.02.2023

On October 4th, opens at Palazzo Reale Milano the first retrospective in Italy dedicated to Max Ernst (1891-1976) German painter, sculptor, poet and theorist of art, then naturalized American and French.

Over 400 works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, collages, jewels and illustrated books from museums, foundations and private collections, in Italy and abroad.…

On October 4th, opens at Palazzo Reale Milano the first retrospective in Italy dedicated to Max Ernst (1891-1976) German painter, sculptor, poet and theorist of art, then naturalized American and French.

Over 400 works including paintings, sculptures, drawings, collages, jewels and illustrated books from museums, foundations and private collections, in Italy and abroad.

Among these: the GAM in Turin, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and the Ca 'Pesaro Museum in Venice, the Tate Gallery in London, the Center Pompidou in Paris, the Cantini Museum in Marseille, the State Museums and the Arp Foundation in Berlin, the Beyeler Foundation in Basel, the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum in Madrid.

As in a great Wunderkammer, and in analogy with the universe of Max Ernst, the exhibition and the catalogue, challenge visitors to try their hand at fascinating and intriguing games of perception between amazement and wonder, where logic and formal harmony go hand in hand to impenetrable enigmas, where works, techniques and constellations of symbols lead beyond painting.

A series of collateral events will animate the opening months of the exhibition, first of all the review on Max Ernst, Surrealism and Cinema created in collaboration with the MIC, Fondazione Cineteca Italiana.

Did you know that both Marx Ernst and Michelangelo have dealt with the iconography of the Pietà?

You can admire it in the work of both masters at the Royal Palace.

an exhibition by of the Municipality of Milan Culture, Palazzo Reale and Electa with the collaboration of Madeinart

curated by Martina Mazzotta and Jürgen Pech


Tags: Bildhauer, Grafik, Malerei, Max Ernst


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