Geek Week Exhibition
Abendpost Nachtausgabe 21. Juli 1969. Der erste Mensch betrat den Mond.
Torben Kuhlmann, Der erste Erdbewohner auf dem Mond, 2015  © Torben Kuhlmann, NordSüd Verlag AG
(c) NASA
Richard Hamilton Towards a definitive statement on the coming trends in menswear and accessories (a) Together let us explore the stars, 1962 Ölfarbe, Zellulosefarbe und bedrucktes Papier auf Holz, 61 x 81,3 cm Tate: Purchased 1964, Foto: Tate, London 2018, © 2018 ProLitteris, Zürich
Lot 63 The Only Known Documented Samples of The Moon Available for Private Ownership ЧАСТИЦЫ ГРУНТА ЛУНЫ-16 [SOIL SAMPLES FROM LUNA-16], Collected September, 1970 Estimate $700,000/1 million Sold for $855,000
Sotheby’s New York Presents: GEEK WEEK
Lot 63 The Only Known Documented Samples of The Moon Available for Private Ownership ЧАСТИЦЫ ГРУНТА ЛУНЫ-16 [SOIL SAMPLES FROM LUNA-16], Collected September, 1970 Estimate $700,000/1 million Sold for $855,000
Zierkamm mit Landschaft und untergehender Sonne Horn, Gold, Email René Lalique Paris, um 1900 Musée Lalique, Wingen-sur-Moder © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2015*