Historische Aufnahme des Gebäudes der JSC Düsseldorf, um 1911/12. / Historical photograph of the JSC Düsseldorf building, circa 1911/12.
Wu Tsang, Wildness, 2012, HD-Video, 74′, Farbe, Ton. Videostill. Courtesy of the artist und Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin.
Jan Bonny & Alex Wissel, Jupp, watt hamwer jemaht?, 2019, feature film, 91′. Film still. Courtesy of the artists.
Sophia Al-Maria, Beast Type Song, 2019, video, 38’03’’, color, sound. Installation view, A FIRE IN MY BELLY, JSC Berlin. Photo: Alwin Lay. Courtesy of the artist and Project Native Informant, London