- Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: austriaauction

Was: Auktion

Wann: 25.05.2024

PreviewWednesday, May 22nd to Friday, May 24th 11am to 5pm,Saturday, May 25th, 11am to 4pm

Palais BreunerSingerstrasse 16, 1010 Vienna, Austria

BROWSE CATALOG ON WEBSITE(including high resolution images and absentee bids)DOWNLOAD BIDDING FORM(including telephone bidding)


PreviewWednesday, May 22nd to Friday, May 24th 11am to 5pm,Saturday, May 25th, 11am to 4pm

Palais BreunerSingerstrasse 16, 1010 Vienna, Austria

BROWSE CATALOG ON WEBSITE(including high resolution images and absentee bids)DOWNLOAD BIDDING FORM(including telephone bidding)


Ladik Prayer Rug 180 x 112 cm (5' 11" x 3' 8") Turkey, second half 19th century Starting bid: € 1,500 Ladik Prayer Rug 180 x 112 cm (5' 11" x 3' 8") Turkey, second half 19th century Starting bid: € 1,500 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: austriaauction / AUSTRIA AUCTION COMPANY Karaman Prayer Rug 132 x 96 cm (4' 4" x 3' 2") Turkey, second half 19th century Starting bid: € 1,500 Karaman Prayer Rug 132 x 96 cm (4' 4" x 3' 2") Turkey, second half 19th century Starting bid: € 1,500 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: austriaauction / AUSTRIA AUCTION COMPANY Early Central Anatolian Kilim 266 x 155 cm (8' 9" x 5' 1") Turkey, first half 19th century Starting bid: € 3,000 Early Central Anatolian Kilim 266 x 155 cm (8' 9" x 5' 1") Turkey, first half 19th century Starting bid: € 3,000 - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: austriaauction / AUSTRIA AUCTION COMPANY
Tags: Orientteppiche, Persische Teppiche, Sammlerteppiche
