Live with NYC-based interior decorator Remy Renzullo Live with NYC-based interior decorator Remy Renzullo - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: tefaf

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 18.03.2011

We are happy to announce the launch of our new Instagram Live series, Meet the Experts: Live, which will kick off Thursday, March 18th.

Each Live will feature conversations between TEFAF exhibitors and industry leaders, starting with Cabana Magazine's Editor-in-Chief, Martina Mondadori meeting with Alessandra Di Castro to share their thoughts about Italian grand…

We are happy to announce the launch of our new Instagram Live series, Meet the Experts: Live, which will kick off Thursday, March 18th.

Each Live will feature conversations between TEFAF exhibitors and industry leaders, starting with Cabana Magazine's Editor-in-Chief, Martina Mondadori meeting with Alessandra Di Castro to share their thoughts about Italian grand decorators and antiques jewelry from Alessandra Di Castro's gallery.

Our first Live will be streaming tomorrow, March 18th, 1 pm EST / 6 pm CET, followed by our next Instagram Live with NYC-based interior decorator Remy Renzullo, reminiscing about his first TEFAF fair in Maastricht on March 24th, 1 pm EST / 6 pm CET.

Keep an eye on our Instagram account for more information.


@TEFAF on Instagram

Tags: Auktion, besucher, China, Design, Deutschland, Diamanten, fair, fine art, Forschung, Galerie, Kunst, Kunsthandel, Leben, Licht, Maler, Meister, Messe, Moderne Kunst, Papier, Porzellan, Sammlung, Verkauf, Werke, Zeichnungen
