Pika Bunny Christophe de Rohan Chabot at Shore Gallery Pika Bunny Christophe de Rohan Chabot at Shore Gallery - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: viennacontemporary

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 27.11.2023 - 03.12.2023

Vienna Weekly presents a selection of weekly exhibition openings, (online) talks, and art events taking place in Vienna. Discover the contemporary side of the city.

MONDAY, November 27Exhibition Opening / Best Austrian Animation FestivalRoom 69: Concrete Metamorphosis | sehsaal | 7:00 pm.

WEDNESDAY, November 29Exhibition OpeningDarker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat | curated…

Vienna Weekly presents a selection of weekly exhibition openings, (online) talks, and art events taking place in Vienna. Discover the contemporary side of the city.

MONDAY, November 27Exhibition Opening / Best Austrian Animation FestivalRoom 69: Concrete Metamorphosis | sehsaal | 7:00 pm.

WEDNESDAY, November 29Exhibition OpeningDarker, Lighter, Puffy, Flat | curated by Laura Amann | Kunsthalle Vienna | 7:00 pm. Exhibition Opening / Best Austrian Animation FestivalMiao Ying: Shadows stretch in spectral lines, in desolation’s embrace, time resigns | Galerie nächst St. Stephan | 7:00 pm.

THURSDAY, November 30Exhibition OpeningTishan Hsu: recent work 2023 | Charlie Prodger: The Offering Formula | Agency of Singular Investigations: On New Thinking And Other Forgotten Dreams | secession | 7:00 pm. Last ChanceRenée Green: Commemorative Toile | Georg Kargl Box.

FRIDAY, December 1Exhibition OpeningCecilia De Nisco: Schwache Lichter | VIN VIN Vienna | 6:00-8:00 pm. Book Presentation & ReadingLars Eidinger: O MENSCH | ALBA Gallery | 7:00 pm.

SATURDAY, December 2Last ChanceEvelyn Plaschg, Philipp Timischl: Action Painting / Some brains can be funny | Layr Singerstraße. Last ChanceHelen Verhoeven: HUMANS | Galerie Gregor Podnar. Last ChanceChristophe de Rohan Chabot: Pika – Bunny | Shore. Last Chance Thea Moeller: Green Zebra and the Striped Roman | Wonnerth Dejaco.

Tags: Malerei, Moderne Kunst, Skulpturen, Zeitgenössische Kunst
