Ausstellungs-Impressionen "HILDEGARD JOOS 1909 - 2005 Verschiebungen" (c) Ausstellungs-Impressionen "HILDEGARD JOOS 1909 - 2005 Verschiebungen" (c) - Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: suppanfinearts


Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 16.05.2024 - 22.06.2024

This exhibition exclusively presents the Verschiebungen series from the late 1960s and early 1970s, where Hildegard Joos dealt specifically with the theme of symmetry. In that series the surface is optically halved, with the color composition of the geometric shapes on one half mirrored on the other. An optical movement is generated, and the regularity of a uniformly…
This exhibition exclusively presents the Verschiebungen series from the late 1960s and early 1970s, where Hildegard Joos dealt specifically with the theme of symmetry. In that series the surface is optically halved, with the color composition of the geometric shapes on one half mirrored on the other. An optical movement is generated, and the regularity of a uniformly ordered system is disrupted by interruptions and rhythmic displacements. The shifting of the axis of symmetry leads to a dialogue of forms within the surface.

A show highlighting only that series to this extent has never been presented so far. Now is a rare chance to discover and dive into the outstanding and pioneering quality of Hildegard Joos, who marks an interface in the tradition of geometric-constructive abstraction and the discourse of contemporary painting.

Tags: Hildegard Joos, Konstruktivismus, Malerei

Location:Habsburgergasse 5, 1010 Vienna
Opening Times:Tue - Fri 11 am - 6 pm | Sat 11 am - 2 pmand by appointment | +43 1 535 535 4

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