- Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von: austrianfineart

Was: Ausstellung

Wann: 04.11.2020 - 30.01.2021

W&K presents major works from the first half of the 20th century at Master Drawings New York. Featuring Viennese Modernism with works by such masters as Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka, the exhibition highlights the sheer versatility of works on paper. These artists of the Fin de Siecle were groundbreaking for the Austrian art development of the post-war…
W&K presents major works from the first half of the 20th century at Master Drawings New York. Featuring Viennese Modernism with works by such masters as Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka, the exhibition highlights the sheer versatility of works on paper. These artists of the Fin de Siecle were groundbreaking for the Austrian art development of the post-war period. The contextualization of the two generations of artists has resulted in exciting insights that are taken up in the show. This year, for example, works by Günter Brus and Otto Muehl are presented, including contemporary positions.


W&K- Wienerroither & Kohlbacher @ Shepherd W&K Galleries

Shepherd W&K Galleries58 East 79th Street | 10075 NY, New YorkOpen by AppointmentJoin us Online for Master Drawings New York 2021!

This year, MDNY 2021 will focus on Online Dealer Exhibitions from an international group of Drawings and Old Master dealers.

A select number of dealers in New York and abroad will be Open By Appointment throughout the week and we encourage you to visit their exhibitions in person if possible.

We are proud to be hosting a wide range of Institutional Partnership Events online in 2021 and details on these events will be made available on the PARTNERSHIPS Page.

Friday, January 22 at noon through Saturday, January 30www.masterdrawingsnewyork.com

Tags: Egon Schiele, Günter Brus, Gustav Klimt, Malerei, Oskar Kokoschka, Otto Muehl

JANUARY 22 - 30MDNY Opens ONLINE at noon on Friday, January 22
Select New York Galleries are open by appointmentFrom Friday, January 22 through Saturday, January 30Please visit the Exhibitor Pages to book viewings